APP Solutions Mais has implemented a loyalty program centered on the cashback model, featuring an attractive points format, where every R$1 spent by the customer is converted into 0.02 points. This system is simple, yet effective, to encourage consumer loyalty through an accumulation and redemption model.
Participants can easily access the APP Solutions Mais APP to track their accumulated points balance. When they want to redeem, they generate a voucher directly through the app, which can be used as a discount on future purchases. This strategy does not use voucher automation, but stands out for its efficient automation through WhatsApp, Email and SMS , boosting engagement with personalized and timely notifications.
On the other hand, the company chose not to use some features, such as the Reward Referral , Marketplace Coupons , and Login with Google , aiming to maintain simplicity and focus on the primary needs of its customers.
The cashback model adopted by APP Solutions Mais promotes a direct and tangible loyalty experience for customers, providing them with tangible benefits with each purchase. Automated communication through popular and effective channels, such as WhatsApp, Email and SMS , ensures that customers are always updated on their points and benefits, while integration with tax platforms such as Bling ensures efficient and controlled management.
Categorization into rating levels (BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD) also adds a layer of gamification to the program, encouraging customers to reach new heights and consequently increase their loyalty and spending on the platform.
This model has a great chance of prospering, as it combines simplicity of participation, clarity of benefits and an engaged and effective communication strategy, ensuring that customers always feel valued and motivated to continue purchasing with APP Solutions Mais.