
Loja Aline Candido

Cashback Program For E-commerces Where the Customer wins 0.05% Of Cashback em cada compra. You Clientes You can redeem the accumulated Cashback by accessing the APP and generating a Voucher to be used as a discount on your next purchase.

Loja Aline Candido

Success Story: Aline Candido Store APP

Aline Candido Store has successfully implemented a cashback-based loyalty program for e-commerce. This model is designed to encourage repeat purchases by offering a small percentage of the amount spent as a return to the customer.

Program Details

  • Type: Cashback Program
  • Format: Cashback
  • Benefit: 0.05% Cashback on every purchase
  • Currency: Cashback
  • Plan: Normal - Starter Plan
  • Website:

Resources Used

Although the Aline Candido Store program does not utilize a variety of sophisticated features, it is effective due to its simplicity and targeted functionality:

  • Voucher Automation: Yes - Whenever the customer accumulates cashback, a voucher with a code is sent, allowing it to be used as a discount on the next purchase.
  • Awarded Nomination: No
  • Login with Google: Yes - Making it easier for customers to access the application.
  • Own Domain: No
  • Marketing Automation: No
  • Website Widget: No
  • Integration with other platforms: Yes, with Nuvemshop
  • Gamification or Ranking: No
  • Satisfaction Survey: No
  • Marketplace Coupons: No
  • Monetization Feature: No

Advantages of the Adopted Model

This cashback program model is advantageous due to its simplicity and effectiveness. With a system that is easy to understand and use, customers are encouraged to continue shopping to enjoy the benefits of cashback. Voucher automation simplifies the process, ensuring that customers receive the accumulated benefits immediately after making a purchase.

Additionally, the integration with Nuvemshop provides flexibility and a quick launch, potentially expanding the customer base and improving the overall experience. While it does not use marketing automation or other more complex engagement methods, the focus on simplicity keeps operational costs low and ensures an easy and effective implementation.

In short, Loja Aline Candido showed that a loyalty program does not need to be sophisticated to be successful; what matters is the constant delivery of value to customers, encouraging return and loyalty over time.

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