
Coleta Seletiva

Points Program Where each 1 R$ OK 1,00 Points). You Ecomorador Can redeem Points for Coupons and use the Benefit in Ecoparceiros.

Coleta Seletiva

Success Story: Selective Collection APP

The Coleta Seletiva APP is an innovative program that encourages sustainability through the practice of selective collection, rewarding its participants with an extremely accessible and straightforward points system. This success story details how the Points Program format is implemented, offering tangible benefits to users while promoting ecological practices.

Program Format: Points Program

The Coleta Seletiva APP rewards system is based on a Points Format , where each R$1.00 spent by users is equivalent to 1 point earned. These points can be accumulated and later redeemed for coupons that offer discounts or exclusive benefits at partner establishments called Ecoparceiros .

Plan Details: Normal - MiniClub Plan

This program operates under the Standard Plan - MiniClub , ensuring a simple and effective structure for managing the points acquired by users. Despite being a basic plan, it offers the essentials to keep users engaged and interested in the proposed sustainable actions.

Resource Usage

  • SMS Automation: Communication with participants is done via SMS, ensuring they are quickly informed about their points balances and new redemption opportunities.
  • Points Redemption: Accumulated points can be exchanged for benefits at Ecopartners, highlighting integration with local businesses committed to sustainability.

Features not included

The program does not have some additional features, which are not essential for the current operation of the Selective Collection APP, such as:

  • Award-Winning Indication
  • Voucher Automation
  • Login with Google
  • Integration with other Platforms
  • Gamification or Ranking
  • Satisfaction Survey
  • Marketplace Coupons

Advantages of the Adopted Model

The Points Program model adopted by the Coleta Seletiva APP is advantageous because it is direct and intuitive, requiring a shorter learning curve for users. With SMS Automation , there is an improvement in communication and engagement, ensuring that users are frequently informed and ready to recycle at any time. In addition, by linking points to local Ecopartners, the program not only promotes ecological practices, but also supports and boosts local sustainable businesses.

This model demonstrates that even without the adoption of complex technologies or integrations, the Selective Collection APP can offer a positive impact on consumer behavior and the environment.

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