

Cashback Program For E-commerces Where the Customer wins 0.03% Of Cashback em cada compra. You Clientes You can redeem the accumulated Cashback by accessing the APP and generating a Voucher to be used as a discount on your next purchase.


Success Story: Estilokids APP

The Estilokids APP is a notable example of successful implementation of a cashback program for e-commerce. Focused on increasing loyalty and rewarding customers, the adopted program offers 0.03% cashback on each purchase made, providing a continuous incentive for customers to return and make new purchases.

Program Overview

  • Type: Cashback Program
  • Format: Cashback
  • Benefit: 0.03% Cashback
  • Currency: Cashbackstylekids
  • Plan: Normal - Starter Plan
  • Website:

Resources Used

  • Awarded Nomination: No
  • Voucher Automation: Yes - As soon as the customer reaches the minimum amount of R$20.00 in accumulated cashback, a voucher is automatically generated to be used in future purchases.
  • Login with Google: Yes - Makes it easier for customers to log in using their Google credentials.
  • Own Domain: No
  • Marketing Automation: No - The focus is on simplicity and basic customer feedback.
  • Website Widget: No
  • Integration with other Platforms: Yes - Integration with Nuvemshop enhancing the shopping experience.
  • Gamification or Ranking: No
  • Satisfaction Survey: No
  • Marketplace Coupons: No
  • Monetization Feature: No

Advantages and Motivation for Success

The model adopted by the Estilokids APP is advantageous due to its simplicity and objectivity. By offering a direct and easy-to-understand benefit - such as cashback - it is possible to attract customers with different profiles. Voucher automation ensures that customers receive their rewards efficiently and without complications, while integration with platforms such as Nuvemshop expands the reach and functionality of e-commerce.

Furthermore, by adopting a solution that does not require the use of marketing automation and gamification, the app can focus on customer service excellence and personalization, creating a more direct and honest connection. This model has all the qualities needed to expand and continue to thrive as more customers experience the value of cashback and the convenience of using the Estilokids app.

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