
Delta Sorriso

Benefits Club Where each 1 D OK 0.01 Points). You Participantes You can redeem the accumulated Cashback by accessing the APP and generating a Voucher to be used as a discount on your next purchase.

Delta Sorriso

Delta Sorriso APP - Smartbis Success Story

Welcome to the Delta Sorriso Benefits Club , where members are rewarded in an innovative way through our loyalty program in the form of Points. In this exclusive club, each 1 D is worth 0.01 Point(s), accumulating benefits whenever you make purchases and, later, converting these points into discounts for future purchases.

Program Features

  • Type: Benefits Club
  • Format: Points
  • Benefit: Each 1 D is worth 0.01 Point(s)
  • Currency: Deltacoin
  • Plan: Normal - MiniClub Plan

Program Features

  • Award-Winning Referral: Yes. Earn D$1.00 DeltaCoin when you confirm your guest's registration at Delta Sorriso .
  • Login with Google: Yes. Make it easier to access the program.
  • Satisfaction Survey: Yes. Continuously assess participant satisfaction.
  • Monetization: Yes, available through the Aruba health and Ortho Iniciallnte plans, especially advantageous for health plans.
  • Dependent Registration: Yes. Ideal for participants interested in family health plans.

Unused Resources

  • Voucher Automation: No
  • Marketing Automation: No
  • Website Widget: No
  • Integration with other Platforms: No
  • Gamification or Ranking: No
  • Marketplace Coupons: No

Advantages and Potential for Success

The Delta Sorriso APP is designed to reward customer loyalty in a tangible and accessible way. With the simplicity of converting spending into points, participants are encouraged to stay in the rewards cycle. In addition, the rewarded referral function not only increases engagement but also expands the customer base organically.

The choice not to use marketing automation or vouchers is intentional, focusing on a more direct and personal approach with participants. This strategy allows for more precise control of interactions and rewards, ensuring high user satisfaction. By allowing users to add dependents, the program becomes even more attractive to families, especially in associations with health plans.

Visit the Smartbis Loyalty Marketing website to learn more about our services and how we can help boost your business with innovative loyalty programs.

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